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A town competition run by the Sidmouth Wyevale Garden Centre was won by Sidmouth in Bloom.  This enabled the development of two Beds (2 & 3).  This bed (2) encourages insects to visit and nest.  The choice of shrubs, grasses and lavenders heighten the senses of smell and touch.

April 2017


Oct 2017



Phlomis fruticosa: (Jerusalem Sage):

An evergreen, small bushy shrub with bright yellow flowers in summer. Soft grey foliage.

Well drained soils in sun.  Ht 1m x Spread 1m.


Carex oshimensis 'Evergold'

(Golden Sedge)

Dense grass-like sedge with narrow attractively striped yellow evergreen leaves persisting throughout the year. Sunny spot in moist fertile soil.

Ht. 20 cm x Sp. 20 cm


Festuca glauca 'Intense Blue'

Short grass which spreads gradually. Seed heads in May-June. Cut the dead leaves away after winter. Grows in mist conditions in well drained soil.

Ht 40cm x Sp 30 cm.



Lophomysrtus x ralphii 'Pixie'

A beautiful compact Lophomyrtus which forms a low mound of green to bronze dark foliage.  The colour intensifies during winter.  In early spring a profusion of small white flowers are produced. Grow in fertile free draining soil in full to dappled shade.

Ht 1m

Hemerocallis lilioashpodelus (syn H. flava)

Yellow flowers, can be grown in sun or light shade in moist but well drained fertile soil.

Clumps increase in size each year.

Lavandula angustifolia 'Hidcote'


Hardy evergreen shrub with grey-green foliage and deep blue flowers from mid - late Summer.  Well drained soil.

Can be grown as a low hedge, border or tub plant.  Prune flowers back when finished.

Ht 50cm x Sp 50 cm.

Lavandula angustifolia 'Munstead' (Lavender)

Evergreen, siver aromatic foliage with deep blue flowers in July. Dwarf, compact shrub. Suits well drained soils in sun.  Good for low hedging. Prune after flowering. Ht 60cm x Sp 60cm


Lavandula 'Regal Splender' (French lavender)

Large deep purple blooms over grey foliage. Needs a warm sheltered position in sun and protection from severe weather. Good in pots.

Sarcococca confusa

Form of Christmas Box.  A dense, evergreen glossy leaved shrub with incredibly fragrant small creamy-white flowers in winter followed by black berries.

Pant in shade/part shade in moist but well drained soil; shelter from cold winds.Lightly trim after flowering

Ht 2m x Sp 1m

Perovskia 'Blue Spire' (Russian Sage)

Deciduous.  Silver-grey stems and foliage with lavender-blue flowers in late summer.

Suits most soil in sun.

Ht 1.5 m x Sp 1m


Santolina incaca ' Nana'

Aromatic silver leaves on a low mounded shrub.  Button-like yellow flowers in summer on wiry stems. Good for seaside and sunny border.  Drought tolerant when established.  Mix in sand or grit when planting. Evergreen.  Prune to keep in shape.

Ht 20cm x Sp 50 cm.

Luma apiculata 'Glenleam Gold' (syn. Myrtus luma 'Glenleam Gold'

Conspicuous creamy-yellow margin to leaves, often tinged pink in cold periods, with white flowers.

Bushy evergreen shrub. Warm sheltered position

Pittosporum tenuifolium 'Silver Queen'

Large mounded shaped shrub with black stems,  The grey-green leaves have a bold silver band of variegation. Flowers insignificant in summer. Plant in sun or part shade on well-drained soil. Can be pruned and grown as a hedge.

Ht 2.2m x Sp 2.2m

Rhododendron 'Jingle Bells' (hybrid)

Spring flowers in sunset colours, evergreen ericaceous shrub grows well in sheltered, part shady site. 

Rosmarinus officianalis 'Blue Lagoon' (Rosemary)

Evergreen shrub with a semi-weeping habit and needle-shaped highly aromatic foliage. In late spring and summer masses of deep blue flowers are produced. Grow in full sun in free draining soil. Can be used as a culinary herb in a sunny border, patio container or tumbling over a low wall. Can be pruned.

Ht 40cm

© 2015 by Sidmouth in Bloom. 

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