In 2016 Sidmouth in Bloom was awarded one of the first £500 grants given out by the RHS 'Greening Grey Britain' campaign having identified the area of the 'Old Boat Park' in need of replanting and revitalisation. With the assistance of volunteers and EDDC Streetscene, the bed was repaired, plants removed and 2 tons of top-soil incorporated. Plants were bought from a local nursery and planted out. Grit was not applied until 2018 after more sponsorships were obtained.
This is the first bed to be developed based on all of the five senses: sight, smell, taste, touch and sound.
Planting has been closed to suit the extreme environmental conditions at this end of the garden. The salty winds during winter and early spring can be tolerated by low growing herbs and grasses while the brick wall opposite gives protection to other plants in this bed such as the agapanthus and coprosmas.
Interim List of plants pending changes & corrections in Bed 1
1. Rosmarinus prostrata
2. Lampranthus (red)
3. Geranium (alpine varieties)
4. Sempervivum
5. Heuchera
6. Geum
7. Heuchera 'Marmalade'
8. Pennisetum villosum
10 Nandina domestica
11.Oreganum aureum
12. Grass
13. Salvia amistrad
14. Sempervivum
15. Verbena bonariensis
16. Fargesia murieliae
17. Artemisia arborescence
19. Coprosma varieties
20. Primula veris
21. Fern
22. Lobelia cardinalis
23. Heuchera 'Palace Purple'
24. Sarcococca hookeriana
26. Callistemon
27. Myrtle (variegated)
28. Lavendula
29. Sedum "Gold dust'
32. Chives.

Chives, Allium schoenoprasum

2016 August, Planting out

2018 planting becoming established